Fall Equinox - Time to embrace the season change

As a 100% summer lover i’m usually head over heels in denial about summer ending up until the fall equinox. The fall equinox, when day and night are equally long, is celebrated by many people all over the world, and the traditions go back all the way to our hunter gatherer ancestors. It is a time to embrace the season change, to give thanks to all that spring and summer have provided, to harvest and prepare for winter, and to shift your energies and set your intentions for the coming dark winter months. Where spring and summer symbolize rebirth, life, light, new beginnings, expansion, movement, and surging energy, fall and winter symbolize darkness, grounding energy, time of endings, transformation, meditation, and slowing down our rapid growth.

This is the time to slow down and focus on nurturing your body with sustainable energy to last your through the long dark months. Many people, me included, are affected by seasonal depression, and in my experience this is the best time to prepare for that and set yourself up for success. The mind can only be as healthy as the physical body, so by setting positive intentions and feeding your body proper nutrients it will in return foster a positive mindset through more challenging times.

I have put together a little list of things that have worked for me in the past to overcome the stress and anxiety of seasonal challenges, and hopefully will be usefull for you as well, whatever situation you may find yourself in this fall.

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Set your intentions and practice positivity daily

go to a yoga class - my favorite is hot yoga (soo comforting!)

put your electronic devices aside and buy a good book to keep you entertained on rainy days

stock up on herbal teas (or make your own delicious blends!)

do a deep clean of your house and use a smudge stick to clear out stagnant energies

invite hygge into your home (natural colors, candles, throw blankets, steaming pot of tea, comfy reading socks, big sweaters…)

Pamper yourself with a home spa night once a week (bath, face mask, body scrub, bath bombs, sauna)

go outside and harvest something to get in touch with nature (mushrooms, berries, visit local farms, do a pumpkin patch)

invest in a punch card to your local suntanning salon, helps with vitamin d production which boosts the immune system and helps with depression

refresh your look (update your wardrobe, get a haircut, do a makeup session)

cook something earthy and comforting (All the soups ya’ll!)

invest in a few essential oils and a diffuser to lift the spirits in any room of your house - avoid scented candles as they are often filled with toxic synthetic fragrances

bake something delicious

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Have a lovely, colorful fall everyone!
