Armpit detox and why you need to do them

Ok, this is a pretty sensitive topic for most but here goes nothing. Let’s talk ARMPITS!🙈 Ladies, it is finally here! The official ARMPIT DETOX. What the heck is an armpit detox?! You may not know this but our armpits go through a massive amount of abuse on a daily basis. From an early age, we are thought to plug up our poor armpits, that sweating is a terribly bad thing that must be rendered. So we slap on deodorants and antiperspirants (most quite toxic, may I add) daily to stop a very important biological function. These toxins not only absorb straight into our armpits but in blocking the armpit's sweating mechanism they also prevent toxins from coming out. Your armpits house some of the largest and most important lymph nodes in your body, which are directly connected to your thymus, thyroid, heart, digestion, reproductive organs, brain, liver, adrenals, pancreas, etc. And of course your BREASTS and lungs! Starting to see where I'm going with this? Did you know that 99% of breast cancer tissue contains traces of parabens and aluminum, 2 key ingredients in almost all conventional deodorants! Barf...🤢⁠ If your answer is yes to any of the following questions then you need to keep reading!⁠

Do you:⁠

sweat excessively⁠

experience odor, staining, or irritation

have a hard time with natural deo's cause they simply just don't work

experience breast tenderness or pain

have swollen lymph nodes in this area that's causing you concern⁠

feel "ashamed" to show your armpits due to the above symptoms

suffer from chest, back, or chin acne

These are all super common symptoms that many, MANY women (and men) experience from time to time. And some of them can be quite alarming. I remember having a full panic attack when i experienced my first bump in my early twenties on the side of my breast and drove to the hospital right away to have it checked. Turns out it was a swollen lymph node, no cause for concern, and very common around the menstrual cycle. Ever since i’ve always experienced a bit of pain in this area right before my period but i've come across something so amazing that it’s time to share it with the world.

An armpit detox helps DETOXIFY your armpits! And yes it actually works and is extremely effective in relieving tender breasts, poor circulation, swollen lymph nodes, excess sweating, smelly armpits, lumps, breast pain, and cysts. If you are suffering from ANY of these symptoms then the armpit detox is a MUST!⁠ Pretty much all of my twenties i suffered from very painful swollen lymph nodes in my armpits and breasts around my period, and I've also used deo's since I was like 7 as I've always been very smelly in this area. After my first week of trying an armpit detox for the first time, I noticed a significant reduction in the pain, and after the second time, the smell disappeared. And now... wait for it...



Armpit and lymph function

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. The lymphatic system primarily consists of lymphatic vessels, which are similar to the veins and capillaries of the circulatory system. The vessels are connected to lymph nodes, where the lymph is filtered. The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes inside the armpits have a tendency to be extra problematic for many people (hmm, wonder why..?), and can cause painful swelling from time to time. This happens because there’s a blockage in the lymph node which results in accumulated lymph fluids.

Now here’s a newsflash for you. SWEATING IS NORMAL! Sweating is healthy and a critical way for your body to regulate temperature and get rid of waste. But, it’s not actually your sweat that smells. The bacteria that live in the moist crevices of your armpits interact with your sweat, which contains volatile fatty acids and odorous steroids (among other compounds). That creates a product known as thioalcohol, and this is what creates that pungent, oniony smell we’re all so familiar with. Using conventional deodorants and antiperspirants, tight-sitting clothes and tight bras, lack of exercise and therefore poor circulation, poor posture (like looking down on your phone or sitting at a desk for long periods of time), high dairy and animal protein consumption, exposure to xeno-estrogens, hormone imbalance, and tight shoulder and back muscles are all contributing factors to excess sweating and swollen lymph nodes.


What makes conventional deodorants harmful?

Many tests over the past 20 years have shown, time and again, that many substances used in deodorants can penetrate the epidermis and into the body. Some compounds used in deodorants are absorbed and stored in fat cells, which are prevalent in the underarm and breast area and can cause tissue damage with prolonged exposure. There are also a significant number of hormone receptors in the armpits that react to these compounds.


There are many different parabens, which are used as preservatives in deodorant and other personal care products. Research suggests some parabens may interfere with the way your body produces and regulates estrogen and other hormones. There’s a lot of estrogen-sensitive tissue in the breasts, and putting parabens close to this tissue every day may promote abnormal tissue growth. Estrogens are powerful hormones that can increase our risk of developing cancer. Estrogen mimickers, like parabens, are known as endocrine disruptors because they interfere with normal hormonal activity in the body. Additionally, many parabens are classified as carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) and require detoxification.


Aluminum-based complexes react with the electrolytes in the sweat to form a gel plug in the duct of the sweat gland, creating a physical block. Aluminum is a neurotoxin, linked to numerous degenerative diseases, especially of the brain and nervous system, including Alzheimer’s and cognitive development in infants. It is a very toxic heavy metal not easily detoxified by the body, and is often accumulated and stored in fatty tissue, like the brain or breasts (have fun breastfeeding!). Aluminum can cause genomic instability on the cell level, meaning it can increase our cells’ tendency to mutate; mutations can increase the chance of tumor growth.


A common chemical in antibacterial cosmetic products such as anti-acne products, deodorants and antiperspirants, and in sanitizing hand soaps. Its purpose is to prevent bacterial contamination, and to kill bacteria on the surface of the skin, however, the side effects of this toxic chemical are less than desirable and includes endocrine disruption, changes in the microbiome and genes, fetal developmental impairments, increased asthma, and impaired thyroid function.


Phthalate exposure in humans has been linked to changes in sex hormone levels, altered development of genitals, and low sperm count and quality. Phthalates have also been linked with obesity, reduced female fertility, preterm birth and low birth weight, a worsening of allergy and asthma symptoms, and altered toddler behavior. These compounds help deodorant and other cosmetics, such as fragrance, stick to your skin. Phthalates are typically present in any product with a fragrance that lingers after it’s been used or applied, that means everything from body wash to shampoo to lotion to hairspray to soap.

Key ingredients in the armpit detox mask


absorbant, removes stored waste materials, stimulates blood and lymphatic flow, anti-inflammatory, reduces swelling


antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, wound healing, pain relieving


astringent, reduces sebum and sweat production, pH regulating, probiotic


antimicrobial, deodorizing, astringent, reduces redness, inflammation and swealling


lymphatic, skin decongestant, stimulant, hormone balancing, antimicrobial

How does the armpit detox work?

The Armpit Detox is a clay based mask that you apply to clean armpits for 15 minutes and then wash off. If it is your first time detoxing your armpits, i highly recommend repeating this procedure for 3-4 consecutive days to really get things going and flowing. Once your have completed your first round this process can be repeated as often as needed to maintain healthy armpits and keep the smell at bay.

Once your armpits are free of toxins you’ll find that natural deodorants actually work miraculously well. The Armpit Detox can be used to help transition from using conventional deodorants. During the actual detox, however, it is quite common to experience a pretty foul smell when removing the clay. This is normal and only temporary as years of stored sweat, toxins, and waste materials are coming out! I know, pretty gross, right? Better out than in though.

