Hormone Loving Rose Shatavari Latte

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Shatavari. I just love that word! Did you know that shatavari belongs to the asparagus family? With a long tradition of use in Ayurveda, this adaptogen is praised for its unique effects on the reproductive system, especially for females. The main constituents of Shatavari are steroidal saponins which work as estrogen regulators. This modulation helps to regulate menstrual cycles, manage PMS symptoms, alleviate menstrual cramps, and control the amount of blood lost. It may help with fluid retention and uncomfortable bloating often suffered before a period. And of course improve libido.⁠ I'm not a huge coffee drinker anymore, but when I do have one, I like making it a little extra special. Have you ever tried a rose shatavari latte? Both rose and shatavari are known for their aphrodisiac, libido stimulating, and uterus strengthening properties. Amazing herbs to enhance your bedroom activities, if you know what I mean. This is a bulletproof coffee recipe so you will need a blender to make it as smooth and creamy as possible. I also like making this with a shot of espresso, but a strong French press will work beautifully too.⁠

Make your coffee first, then heat oat milk up in a pot and simmer rose petals for 5 minutes. Strain out the rose petals and add all the ingredients to your blender/bullet. Blend until creamy and frothy and pour into a large mug. Enjoy! Alternatively, if you prefer ice lattes, fill a large glass with ice cubes and pour your coffee over the ice, stirring for a few seconds to cool down completely.


1 cup oat milk⁠

3 tbsp dried rose petals⁠

1 shot of espresso⁠

1 tbsp raw honey⁠

1 tbsp butter (or coconut oil)⁠

pinch of cardamom⁠

1 tsp shatavari powder⁠

1 tbsp marine collagen⁠


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