A Day in the Life of a Clean Beauty Advocate
I recently turned 33, but I still get ID:ed at the liquor store and I have received many compliments over the past year in lines of “your skin looks beautiful, are you sure you don’t get botox lol?” “I wish I had skin like yours!” and of course “Please tell me your skincare secrets!” So, get ready for a holistic journey through my day, where clean beauty meets the power of nutrition!

Botox injury and side effects
Lately i have been touchig base on the subject of botox on my Instagram page with a surprisingly large amount of people saying they like the idea of botox but are sceptical to the toxic side effects. This has been a hot topic the last month between me and many of my clients so i wanted to share my knowledge and opinion on the matter, from a holistic skincare standpoint. I have a degree in both advanced aesthetics as well as...